
  1import json
  2import os
  3import re
  4import shutil
  5import uuid
  6from abc import ABCMeta
  7from builtins import classmethod
  8from datetime import datetime
  9from pathlib import Path
 10from typing import (
 11    Any,
 12    Dict,
 13    List,
 14    Optional,
 15    Type,
 16    TypeVar,
 19from pydantic import (
 20    BaseModel,
 21    ConfigDict,
 22    Field,
 23    ValidationError,
 24    ValidationInfo,
 25    computed_field,
 26    model_validator,
 28from pydantic_core import ErrorDetails
 29from typing_extensions import Self
 31from kiln_ai.datamodel.model_cache import ModelCache
 32from kiln_ai.utils.config import Config
 33from kiln_ai.utils.formatting import snake_case
 35# ID is a 12 digit random integer string.
 36# Should be unique per item, at least inside the context of a parent/child relationship.
 37# Use integers to make it easier to type for a search function.
 38# Allow none, even though we generate it, because we clear it in the REST API if the object is ephemeral (not persisted to disk)
 39ID_FIELD = Field(default_factory=lambda: str(uuid.uuid4().int)[:12])
 40ID_TYPE = Optional[str]
 41T = TypeVar("T", bound="KilnBaseModel")
 42PT = TypeVar("PT", bound="KilnParentedModel")
 45# Naming conventions:
 46# 1) Names are filename safe as they may be used as file names. They are informational and not to be used in prompts/training/validation.
 47# 2) Descrptions are for Kiln users to describe/understanding the purpose of this object. They must never be used in prompts/training/validation. Use "instruction/requirements" instead.
 49# Filename compatible names
 50NAME_REGEX = r"^[A-Za-z0-9 _-]+$"
 51NAME_FIELD = Field(
 52    min_length=1,
 53    max_length=120,
 54    pattern=NAME_REGEX,
 55    description="A name for this entity.",
 58    min_length=1,
 59    max_length=32,
 60    pattern=NAME_REGEX,
 61    description="A name for this entity",
 65def string_to_valid_name(name: str) -> str:
 66    # Replace any character not allowed by NAME_REGEX with an underscore
 67    valid_name = re.sub(r"[^A-Za-z0-9 _-]", "_", name)
 68    # Replace consecutive underscores with a single underscore
 69    valid_name = re.sub(r"_+", "_", valid_name)
 70    # Remove leading and trailing underscores or whitespace
 71    return valid_name.strip("_").strip()
 74class KilnBaseModel(BaseModel):
 75    """Base model for all Kiln data models with common functionality for persistence and versioning.
 77    Attributes:
 78        v (int): Schema version number for migration support
 79        id (str): Unique identifier for the model instance
 80        path (Path): File system path where the model is stored
 81        created_at (datetime): Timestamp when the model was created
 82        created_by (str): User ID of the creator
 83    """
 85    model_config = ConfigDict(validate_assignment=True)
 87    v: int = Field(default=1)  # schema_version
 88    id: ID_TYPE = ID_FIELD
 89    path: Optional[Path] = Field(default=None)
 90    created_at: datetime = Field(
 91    created_by: str = Field(default_factory=lambda: Config.shared().user_id)
 93    _loaded_from_file: bool = False
 95    @computed_field()
 96    def model_type(self) -> str:
 97        return self.type_name()
 99    # if changing the model name, should keep the original name here for parsing old files
100    @classmethod
101    def type_name(cls) -> str:
102        return snake_case(cls.__name__)
104    # used as /obj_folder/base_filename.kiln
105    @classmethod
106    def base_filename(cls) -> str:
107        return cls.type_name() + ".kiln"
109    @classmethod
110    def load_from_folder(cls: Type[T], folderPath: Path) -> T:
111        """Load a model instance from a folder using the default filename.
113        Args:
114            folderPath (Path): Directory path containing the model file
116        Returns:
117            T: Instance of the model
118        """
119        path = folderPath / cls.base_filename()
120        return cls.load_from_file(path)
122    @classmethod
123    def load_from_file(cls: Type[T], path: Path | str) -> T:
124        """Load a model instance from a specific file path.
126        Args:
127            path (Path): Path to the model file
129        Returns:
130            T: Instance of the model
132        Raises:
133            ValueError: If the loaded model is not of the expected type or version
134            FileNotFoundError: If the file does not exist
135        """
136        if isinstance(path, str):
137            path = Path(path)
138        cached_model = ModelCache.shared().get_model(path, cls)
139        if cached_model is not None:
140            return cached_model
141        with open(path, "r") as file:
142            # modified time of file for cache invalidation. From file descriptor so it's atomic w read.
143            mtime_ns = os.fstat(file.fileno()).st_mtime_ns
144            file_data =
145            parsed_json = json.loads(file_data)
146            m = cls.model_validate(parsed_json, context={"loading_from_file": True})
147            if not isinstance(m, cls):
148                raise ValueError(f"Loaded model is not of type {cls.__name__}")
149            m._loaded_from_file = True
150            file_data = None
151        m.path = path
152        if m.v > m.max_schema_version():
153            raise ValueError(
154                f"Cannot load from file because the schema version is higher than the current version. Upgrade kiln to the latest version. "
155                f"Class: {m.__class__.__name__}, id: {getattr(m, 'id', None)}, path: {path}, "
156                f"version: {m.v}, max version: {m.max_schema_version()}"
157            )
158        if parsed_json["model_type"] != cls.type_name():
159            raise ValueError(
160                f"Cannot load from file because the model type is incorrect. Expected {cls.type_name()}, got {parsed_json['model_type']}. "
161                f"Class: {m.__class__.__name__}, id: {getattr(m, 'id', None)}, path: {path}, "
162                f"version: {m.v}, max version: {m.max_schema_version()}"
163            )
164        ModelCache.shared().set_model(path, m, mtime_ns)
165        return m
167    def loaded_from_file(self, info: ValidationInfo | None = None) -> bool:
168        # Two methods of indicated it's loaded from file:
169        # 1) info.context.get("loading_from_file") -> During actual loading, before we can set _loaded_from_file
170        # 2) self._loaded_from_file -> After loading, set by the loader
171        if (
172            info is not None
173            and info.context is not None
174            and info.context.get("loading_from_file", False)
175        ):
176            return True
177        return self._loaded_from_file
179    def save_to_file(self) -> None:
180        """Save the model instance to a file.
182        Raises:
183            ValueError: If the path is not set
184        """
185        path = self.build_path()
186        if path is None:
187            raise ValueError(
188                f"Cannot save to file because 'path' is not set. Class: {self.__class__.__name__}, "
189                f"id: {getattr(self, 'id', None)}, path: {path}"
190            )
191        path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
192        json_data = self.model_dump_json(indent=2, exclude={"path"})
193        with open(path, "w") as file:
194            file.write(json_data)
195        # save the path so even if something like name changes, the file doesn't move
196        self.path = path
197        # We could save, but invalidating will trigger load on next use.
198        # This ensures everything in cache is loaded from disk, and the cache perfectly reflects what's on disk
199        ModelCache.shared().invalidate(path)
201    def delete(self) -> None:
202        if self.path is None:
203            raise ValueError("Cannot delete model because path is not set")
204        dir_path = self.path.parent if self.path.is_file() else self.path
205        if dir_path is None:
206            raise ValueError("Cannot delete model because path is not set")
207        shutil.rmtree(dir_path)
208        ModelCache.shared().invalidate(self.path)
209        self.path = None
211    def build_path(self) -> Path | None:
212        if self.path is not None:
213            return self.path
214        return None
216    # increment for breaking changes
217    def max_schema_version(self) -> int:
218        return 1
221class KilnParentedModel(KilnBaseModel, metaclass=ABCMeta):
222    """Base model for Kiln models that have a parent-child relationship. This base class is for child models.
224    This class provides functionality for managing hierarchical relationships between models,
225    including parent reference handling and file system organization.
227    Attributes:
228        parent (KilnBaseModel): Reference to the parent model instance. Not persisted, just in memory.
229    """
231    # Parent is an in memory only reference to parent. If it's set we use that. If not we'll try to load it from disk based on the path.
232    # We don't persist the parent reference to disk. See the accessors below for how we make it a clean api (parent accessor will lazy load from disk)
233    parent: Optional[KilnBaseModel] = Field(default=None, exclude=True)
235    def __getattribute__(self, name: str) -> Any:
236        if name == "parent":
237            return self.load_parent()
238        return super().__getattribute__(name)
240    def cached_parent(self) -> Optional[KilnBaseModel]:
241        return object.__getattribute__(self, "parent")
243    def load_parent(self) -> Optional[KilnBaseModel]:
244        """Get the parent model instance, loading it from disk if necessary.
246        Returns:
247            Optional[KilnBaseModel]: The parent model instance or None if not set
248        """
249        cached_parent = self.cached_parent()
250        if cached_parent is not None:
251            return cached_parent
253        # lazy load parent from path
254        if self.path is None:
255            return None
256        # Note: this only works with base_filename. If we every support custom names, we need to change this.
257        parent_path = (
258            self.path.parent.parent.parent
259            / self.__class__.parent_type().base_filename()
260        )
261        if parent_path is None:
262            return None
263        loaded_parent = self.__class__.parent_type().load_from_file(parent_path)
264        self.parent = loaded_parent
265        return loaded_parent
267    # Dynamically implemented by KilnParentModel method injection
268    @classmethod
269    def relationship_name(cls) -> str:
270        raise NotImplementedError("Relationship name must be implemented")
272    # Dynamically implemented by KilnParentModel method injection
273    @classmethod
274    def parent_type(cls) -> Type[KilnBaseModel]:
275        raise NotImplementedError("Parent type must be implemented")
277    @model_validator(mode="after")
278    def check_parent_type(self) -> Self:
279        cached_parent = self.cached_parent()
280        if cached_parent is not None:
281            expected_parent_type = self.__class__.parent_type()
282            if not isinstance(cached_parent, expected_parent_type):
283                raise ValueError(
284                    f"Parent must be of type {expected_parent_type}, but was {type(cached_parent)}"
285                )
286        return self
288    def build_child_dirname(self) -> Path:
289        # Default implementation for readable folder names.
290        # {id} - {name}/{type}.kiln
291        if is None:
292            # consider generating an ID here. But if it's been cleared, we've already used this without one so raise for now.
293            raise ValueError("ID is not set - can not save or build path")
294        path =
295        name = getattr(self, "name", None)
296        if name is not None:
297            path = f"{path} - {name[:32]}"
298        return Path(path)
300    def build_path(self) -> Path | None:
301        # if specifically loaded from an existing path, keep that no matter what
302        # this ensures the file structure is easy to use with git/version control
303        # and that changes to things like name (which impacts default path) don't leave dangling files
304        if self.path is not None:
305            return self.path
306        # Build a path under parent_folder/relationship/file.kiln
307        if self.parent is None:
308            return None
309        parent_path = self.parent.build_path()
310        if parent_path is None:
311            return None
312        parent_folder = parent_path.parent
313        if parent_folder is None:
314            return None
315        return (
316            parent_folder
317            / self.__class__.relationship_name()
318            / self.build_child_dirname()
319            / self.__class__.base_filename()
320        )
322    @classmethod
323    def iterate_children_paths_of_parent_path(cls: Type[PT], parent_path: Path | None):
324        if parent_path is None:
325            # children are disk based. If not saved, they don't exist
326            return []
328        # Determine the parent folder
329        if parent_path.is_file():
330            parent_folder = parent_path.parent
331        else:
332            parent_folder = parent_path
334        parent = cls.parent_type().load_from_file(parent_path)
335        if parent is None:
336            raise ValueError("Parent must be set to load children")
338        # Ignore type error: this is abstract base class, but children must implement relationship_name
339        relationship_folder = parent_folder / Path(cls.relationship_name())  # type: ignore
341        if not relationship_folder.exists() or not relationship_folder.is_dir():
342            return []
344        # Collect all /relationship/{id}/{base_filename.kiln} files in the relationship folder
345        for child_file in relationship_folder.glob(f"**/{cls.base_filename()}"):
346            yield child_file
348    @classmethod
349    def all_children_of_parent_path(
350        cls: Type[PT], parent_path: Path | None
351    ) -> list[PT]:
352        children = []
353        for child_path in cls.iterate_children_paths_of_parent_path(parent_path):
354            children.append(cls.load_from_file(child_path))
355        return children
357    @classmethod
358    def from_id_and_parent_path(
359        cls: Type[PT], id: str, parent_path: Path | None
360    ) -> PT | None:
361        """
362        Fast search by ID using the cache. Avoids the model_copy overhead on all but the exact match.
364        Uses cache so still slow on first load.
365        """
366        if parent_path is None:
367            return None
369        # Note: we're using the in-file ID. We could make this faster using the path-ID if this becomes perf bottleneck, but it's better to have 1 source of truth.
370        for child_path in cls.iterate_children_paths_of_parent_path(parent_path):
371            child_id = ModelCache.shared().get_model_id(child_path, cls)
372            if child_id == id:
373                return cls.load_from_file(child_path)
374            if child_id is None:
375                child = cls.load_from_file(child_path)
376                if == id:
377                    return child
378        return None
381# Parent create methods for all child relationships
382# You must pass in parent_of in the subclass definition, defining the child relationships
383class KilnParentModel(KilnBaseModel, metaclass=ABCMeta):
384    """Base model for Kiln models that can have child models.
386    This class provides functionality for managing collections of child models and their persistence.
387    Child relationships must be defined using the parent_of parameter in the class definition.
389    Args:
390        parent_of (Dict[str, Type[KilnParentedModel]]): Mapping of relationship names to child model types
391    """
393    @classmethod
394    def _create_child_method(
395        cls, relationship_name: str, child_class: Type[KilnParentedModel]
396    ):
397        def child_method(self) -> list[child_class]:
398            return child_class.all_children_of_parent_path(self.path)
400        child_method.__name__ = relationship_name
401        child_method.__annotations__ = {"return": List[child_class]}
402        setattr(cls, relationship_name, child_method)
404    @classmethod
405    def _create_parent_methods(
406        cls, targetCls: Type[KilnParentedModel], relationship_name: str
407    ):
408        def parent_class_method() -> Type[KilnParentModel]:
409            return cls
411        parent_class_method.__name__ = "parent_type"
412        parent_class_method.__annotations__ = {"return": Type[KilnParentModel]}
413        setattr(targetCls, "parent_type", parent_class_method)
415        def relationship_name_method() -> str:
416            return relationship_name
418        relationship_name_method.__name__ = "relationship_name"
419        relationship_name_method.__annotations__ = {"return": str}
420        setattr(targetCls, "relationship_name", relationship_name_method)
422    @classmethod
423    def __init_subclass__(cls, parent_of: Dict[str, Type[KilnParentedModel]], **kwargs):
424        super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs)
425        cls._parent_of = parent_of
426        for relationship_name, child_class in parent_of.items():
427            cls._create_child_method(relationship_name, child_class)
428            cls._create_parent_methods(child_class, relationship_name)
430    @classmethod
431    def validate_and_save_with_subrelations(
432        cls,
433        data: Dict[str, Any],
434        path: Path | None = None,
435        parent: KilnBaseModel | None = None,
436    ):
437        """Validate and save a model instance along with all its nested child relationships.
439        Args:
440            data (Dict[str, Any]): Model data including child relationships
441            path (Path, optional): Path where the model should be saved
442            parent (KilnBaseModel, optional): Parent model instance for parented models
444        Returns:
445            KilnParentModel: The validated and saved model instance
447        Raises:
448            ValidationError: If validation fails for the model or any of its children
449        """
450        # Validate first, then save. Don't want error half way through, and partly persisted
451        # TODO P2: save to tmp dir, then move atomically. But need to merge directories so later.
452        cls._validate_nested(data, save=False, path=path, parent=parent)
453        instance = cls._validate_nested(data, save=True, path=path, parent=parent)
454        return instance
456    @classmethod
457    def _validate_nested(
458        cls,
459        data: Dict[str, Any],
460        save: bool = False,
461        parent: KilnBaseModel | None = None,
462        path: Path | None = None,
463    ):
464        # Collect all validation errors so we can report them all at once
465        validation_errors = []
467        try:
468            instance = cls.model_validate(data)
469            if path is not None:
470                instance.path = path
471            if parent is not None and isinstance(instance, KilnParentedModel):
472                instance.parent = parent
473            if save:
474                instance.save_to_file()
475        except ValidationError as e:
476            instance = None
477            for suberror in e.errors():
478                validation_errors.append(suberror)
480        for key, value_list in data.items():
481            if key in cls._parent_of:
482                parent_type = cls._parent_of[key]
483                if not isinstance(value_list, list):
484                    raise ValueError(
485                        f"Expected a list for {key}, but got {type(value_list)}"
486                    )
487                for value_index, value in enumerate(value_list):
488                    try:
489                        if issubclass(parent_type, KilnParentModel):
490                            kwargs = {"data": value, "save": save}
491                            if instance is not None:
492                                kwargs["parent"] = instance
493                            parent_type._validate_nested(**kwargs)
494                        elif issubclass(parent_type, KilnParentedModel):
495                            # Root node
496                            subinstance = parent_type.model_validate(value)
497                            if instance is not None:
498                                subinstance.parent = instance
499                            if save:
500                                subinstance.save_to_file()
501                        else:
502                            raise ValueError(
503                                f"Invalid type {parent_type}. Should be KilnBaseModel based."
504                            )
505                    except ValidationError as e:
506                        for suberror in e.errors():
507                            cls._append_loc(suberror, key, value_index)
508                            validation_errors.append(suberror)
510        if len(validation_errors) > 0:
511            raise ValidationError.from_exception_data(
512                title=f"Validation failed for {cls.__name__}",
513                line_errors=validation_errors,
514                input_type="json",
515            )
517        return instance
519    @classmethod
520    def _append_loc(
521        cls, error: ErrorDetails, current_loc: str, value_index: int | None = None
522    ):
523        orig_loc = error["loc"] if "loc" in error else None
524        new_loc: list[str | int] = [current_loc]
525        if value_index is not None:
526            new_loc.append(value_index)
527        if isinstance(orig_loc, tuple):
528            new_loc.extend(list(orig_loc))
529        elif isinstance(orig_loc, list):
530            new_loc.extend(orig_loc)
531        error["loc"] = tuple(new_loc)
ID_FIELD = FieldInfo(annotation=Union[str, NoneType], required=False, default_factory=<lambda>)
ID_TYPE = typing.Optional[str]
NAME_REGEX = '^[A-Za-z0-9 _-]+$'
NAME_FIELD = FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=True, description='A name for this entity.', metadata=[MinLen(min_length=1), MaxLen(max_length=120), _PydanticGeneralMetadata(pattern='^[A-Za-z0-9 _-]+$')])
SHORT_NAME_FIELD = FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=True, description='A name for this entity', metadata=[MinLen(min_length=1), MaxLen(max_length=32), _PydanticGeneralMetadata(pattern='^[A-Za-z0-9 _-]+$')])
def string_to_valid_name(name: str) -> str:
66def string_to_valid_name(name: str) -> str:
67    # Replace any character not allowed by NAME_REGEX with an underscore
68    valid_name = re.sub(r"[^A-Za-z0-9 _-]", "_", name)
69    # Replace consecutive underscores with a single underscore
70    valid_name = re.sub(r"_+", "_", valid_name)
71    # Remove leading and trailing underscores or whitespace
72    return valid_name.strip("_").strip()
class KilnBaseModel(pydantic.main.BaseModel):
 75class KilnBaseModel(BaseModel):
 76    """Base model for all Kiln data models with common functionality for persistence and versioning.
 78    Attributes:
 79        v (int): Schema version number for migration support
 80        id (str): Unique identifier for the model instance
 81        path (Path): File system path where the model is stored
 82        created_at (datetime): Timestamp when the model was created
 83        created_by (str): User ID of the creator
 84    """
 86    model_config = ConfigDict(validate_assignment=True)
 88    v: int = Field(default=1)  # schema_version
 89    id: ID_TYPE = ID_FIELD
 90    path: Optional[Path] = Field(default=None)
 91    created_at: datetime = Field(
 92    created_by: str = Field(default_factory=lambda: Config.shared().user_id)
 94    _loaded_from_file: bool = False
 96    @computed_field()
 97    def model_type(self) -> str:
 98        return self.type_name()
100    # if changing the model name, should keep the original name here for parsing old files
101    @classmethod
102    def type_name(cls) -> str:
103        return snake_case(cls.__name__)
105    # used as /obj_folder/base_filename.kiln
106    @classmethod
107    def base_filename(cls) -> str:
108        return cls.type_name() + ".kiln"
110    @classmethod
111    def load_from_folder(cls: Type[T], folderPath: Path) -> T:
112        """Load a model instance from a folder using the default filename.
114        Args:
115            folderPath (Path): Directory path containing the model file
117        Returns:
118            T: Instance of the model
119        """
120        path = folderPath / cls.base_filename()
121        return cls.load_from_file(path)
123    @classmethod
124    def load_from_file(cls: Type[T], path: Path | str) -> T:
125        """Load a model instance from a specific file path.
127        Args:
128            path (Path): Path to the model file
130        Returns:
131            T: Instance of the model
133        Raises:
134            ValueError: If the loaded model is not of the expected type or version
135            FileNotFoundError: If the file does not exist
136        """
137        if isinstance(path, str):
138            path = Path(path)
139        cached_model = ModelCache.shared().get_model(path, cls)
140        if cached_model is not None:
141            return cached_model
142        with open(path, "r") as file:
143            # modified time of file for cache invalidation. From file descriptor so it's atomic w read.
144            mtime_ns = os.fstat(file.fileno()).st_mtime_ns
145            file_data =
146            parsed_json = json.loads(file_data)
147            m = cls.model_validate(parsed_json, context={"loading_from_file": True})
148            if not isinstance(m, cls):
149                raise ValueError(f"Loaded model is not of type {cls.__name__}")
150            m._loaded_from_file = True
151            file_data = None
152        m.path = path
153        if m.v > m.max_schema_version():
154            raise ValueError(
155                f"Cannot load from file because the schema version is higher than the current version. Upgrade kiln to the latest version. "
156                f"Class: {m.__class__.__name__}, id: {getattr(m, 'id', None)}, path: {path}, "
157                f"version: {m.v}, max version: {m.max_schema_version()}"
158            )
159        if parsed_json["model_type"] != cls.type_name():
160            raise ValueError(
161                f"Cannot load from file because the model type is incorrect. Expected {cls.type_name()}, got {parsed_json['model_type']}. "
162                f"Class: {m.__class__.__name__}, id: {getattr(m, 'id', None)}, path: {path}, "
163                f"version: {m.v}, max version: {m.max_schema_version()}"
164            )
165        ModelCache.shared().set_model(path, m, mtime_ns)
166        return m
168    def loaded_from_file(self, info: ValidationInfo | None = None) -> bool:
169        # Two methods of indicated it's loaded from file:
170        # 1) info.context.get("loading_from_file") -> During actual loading, before we can set _loaded_from_file
171        # 2) self._loaded_from_file -> After loading, set by the loader
172        if (
173            info is not None
174            and info.context is not None
175            and info.context.get("loading_from_file", False)
176        ):
177            return True
178        return self._loaded_from_file
180    def save_to_file(self) -> None:
181        """Save the model instance to a file.
183        Raises:
184            ValueError: If the path is not set
185        """
186        path = self.build_path()
187        if path is None:
188            raise ValueError(
189                f"Cannot save to file because 'path' is not set. Class: {self.__class__.__name__}, "
190                f"id: {getattr(self, 'id', None)}, path: {path}"
191            )
192        path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
193        json_data = self.model_dump_json(indent=2, exclude={"path"})
194        with open(path, "w") as file:
195            file.write(json_data)
196        # save the path so even if something like name changes, the file doesn't move
197        self.path = path
198        # We could save, but invalidating will trigger load on next use.
199        # This ensures everything in cache is loaded from disk, and the cache perfectly reflects what's on disk
200        ModelCache.shared().invalidate(path)
202    def delete(self) -> None:
203        if self.path is None:
204            raise ValueError("Cannot delete model because path is not set")
205        dir_path = self.path.parent if self.path.is_file() else self.path
206        if dir_path is None:
207            raise ValueError("Cannot delete model because path is not set")
208        shutil.rmtree(dir_path)
209        ModelCache.shared().invalidate(self.path)
210        self.path = None
212    def build_path(self) -> Path | None:
213        if self.path is not None:
214            return self.path
215        return None
217    # increment for breaking changes
218    def max_schema_version(self) -> int:
219        return 1

Base model for all Kiln data models with common functionality for persistence and versioning.

Attributes: v (int): Schema version number for migration support id (str): Unique identifier for the model instance path (Path): File system path where the model is stored created_at (datetime): Timestamp when the model was created created_by (str): User ID of the creator

model_config = {'validate_assignment': True}

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

v: int
id: Optional[str]
path: Optional[pathlib.Path]
created_at: datetime.datetime
created_by: str
model_type: str
96    @computed_field()
97    def model_type(self) -> str:
98        return self.type_name()
def type_name(cls) -> str:
101    @classmethod
102    def type_name(cls) -> str:
103        return snake_case(cls.__name__)
def base_filename(cls) -> str:
106    @classmethod
107    def base_filename(cls) -> str:
108        return cls.type_name() + ".kiln"
def load_from_folder(cls: Type[~T], folderPath: pathlib.Path) -> ~T:
110    @classmethod
111    def load_from_folder(cls: Type[T], folderPath: Path) -> T:
112        """Load a model instance from a folder using the default filename.
114        Args:
115            folderPath (Path): Directory path containing the model file
117        Returns:
118            T: Instance of the model
119        """
120        path = folderPath / cls.base_filename()
121        return cls.load_from_file(path)

Load a model instance from a folder using the default filename.

Args: folderPath (Path): Directory path containing the model file

Returns: T: Instance of the model

def load_from_file(cls: Type[~T], path: pathlib.Path | str) -> ~T:
123    @classmethod
124    def load_from_file(cls: Type[T], path: Path | str) -> T:
125        """Load a model instance from a specific file path.
127        Args:
128            path (Path): Path to the model file
130        Returns:
131            T: Instance of the model
133        Raises:
134            ValueError: If the loaded model is not of the expected type or version
135            FileNotFoundError: If the file does not exist
136        """
137        if isinstance(path, str):
138            path = Path(path)
139        cached_model = ModelCache.shared().get_model(path, cls)
140        if cached_model is not None:
141            return cached_model
142        with open(path, "r") as file:
143            # modified time of file for cache invalidation. From file descriptor so it's atomic w read.
144            mtime_ns = os.fstat(file.fileno()).st_mtime_ns
145            file_data =
146            parsed_json = json.loads(file_data)
147            m = cls.model_validate(parsed_json, context={"loading_from_file": True})
148            if not isinstance(m, cls):
149                raise ValueError(f"Loaded model is not of type {cls.__name__}")
150            m._loaded_from_file = True
151            file_data = None
152        m.path = path
153        if m.v > m.max_schema_version():
154            raise ValueError(
155                f"Cannot load from file because the schema version is higher than the current version. Upgrade kiln to the latest version. "
156                f"Class: {m.__class__.__name__}, id: {getattr(m, 'id', None)}, path: {path}, "
157                f"version: {m.v}, max version: {m.max_schema_version()}"
158            )
159        if parsed_json["model_type"] != cls.type_name():
160            raise ValueError(
161                f"Cannot load from file because the model type is incorrect. Expected {cls.type_name()}, got {parsed_json['model_type']}. "
162                f"Class: {m.__class__.__name__}, id: {getattr(m, 'id', None)}, path: {path}, "
163                f"version: {m.v}, max version: {m.max_schema_version()}"
164            )
165        ModelCache.shared().set_model(path, m, mtime_ns)
166        return m

Load a model instance from a specific file path.

Args: path (Path): Path to the model file

Returns: T: Instance of the model

Raises: ValueError: If the loaded model is not of the expected type or version FileNotFoundError: If the file does not exist

def loaded_from_file( self, info: pydantic_core.core_schema.ValidationInfo | None = None) -> bool:
168    def loaded_from_file(self, info: ValidationInfo | None = None) -> bool:
169        # Two methods of indicated it's loaded from file:
170        # 1) info.context.get("loading_from_file") -> During actual loading, before we can set _loaded_from_file
171        # 2) self._loaded_from_file -> After loading, set by the loader
172        if (
173            info is not None
174            and info.context is not None
175            and info.context.get("loading_from_file", False)
176        ):
177            return True
178        return self._loaded_from_file
def save_to_file(self) -> None:
180    def save_to_file(self) -> None:
181        """Save the model instance to a file.
183        Raises:
184            ValueError: If the path is not set
185        """
186        path = self.build_path()
187        if path is None:
188            raise ValueError(
189                f"Cannot save to file because 'path' is not set. Class: {self.__class__.__name__}, "
190                f"id: {getattr(self, 'id', None)}, path: {path}"
191            )
192        path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
193        json_data = self.model_dump_json(indent=2, exclude={"path"})
194        with open(path, "w") as file:
195            file.write(json_data)
196        # save the path so even if something like name changes, the file doesn't move
197        self.path = path
198        # We could save, but invalidating will trigger load on next use.
199        # This ensures everything in cache is loaded from disk, and the cache perfectly reflects what's on disk
200        ModelCache.shared().invalidate(path)

Save the model instance to a file.

Raises: ValueError: If the path is not set

def delete(self) -> None:
202    def delete(self) -> None:
203        if self.path is None:
204            raise ValueError("Cannot delete model because path is not set")
205        dir_path = self.path.parent if self.path.is_file() else self.path
206        if dir_path is None:
207            raise ValueError("Cannot delete model because path is not set")
208        shutil.rmtree(dir_path)
209        ModelCache.shared().invalidate(self.path)
210        self.path = None
def build_path(self) -> pathlib.Path | None:
212    def build_path(self) -> Path | None:
213        if self.path is not None:
214            return self.path
215        return None
def max_schema_version(self) -> int:
218    def max_schema_version(self) -> int:
219        return 1
def model_post_init(self: pydantic.main.BaseModel, context: Any, /) -> None:
384def init_private_attributes(self: BaseModel, context: Any, /) -> None:
385    """This function is meant to behave like a BaseModel method to initialise private attributes.
387    It takes context as an argument since that's what pydantic-core passes when calling it.
389    Args:
390        self: The BaseModel instance.
391        context: The context.
392    """
393    if getattr(self, '__pydantic_private__', None) is None:
394        pydantic_private = {}
395        for name, private_attr in self.__private_attributes__.items():
396            default = private_attr.get_default()
397            if default is not PydanticUndefined:
398                pydantic_private[name] = default
399        object_setattr(self, '__pydantic_private__', pydantic_private)

This function is meant to behave like a BaseModel method to initialise private attributes.

It takes context as an argument since that's what pydantic-core passes when calling it.

Args: self: The BaseModel instance. context: The context.

class KilnParentedModel(KilnBaseModel):
222class KilnParentedModel(KilnBaseModel, metaclass=ABCMeta):
223    """Base model for Kiln models that have a parent-child relationship. This base class is for child models.
225    This class provides functionality for managing hierarchical relationships between models,
226    including parent reference handling and file system organization.
228    Attributes:
229        parent (KilnBaseModel): Reference to the parent model instance. Not persisted, just in memory.
230    """
232    # Parent is an in memory only reference to parent. If it's set we use that. If not we'll try to load it from disk based on the path.
233    # We don't persist the parent reference to disk. See the accessors below for how we make it a clean api (parent accessor will lazy load from disk)
234    parent: Optional[KilnBaseModel] = Field(default=None, exclude=True)
236    def __getattribute__(self, name: str) -> Any:
237        if name == "parent":
238            return self.load_parent()
239        return super().__getattribute__(name)
241    def cached_parent(self) -> Optional[KilnBaseModel]:
242        return object.__getattribute__(self, "parent")
244    def load_parent(self) -> Optional[KilnBaseModel]:
245        """Get the parent model instance, loading it from disk if necessary.
247        Returns:
248            Optional[KilnBaseModel]: The parent model instance or None if not set
249        """
250        cached_parent = self.cached_parent()
251        if cached_parent is not None:
252            return cached_parent
254        # lazy load parent from path
255        if self.path is None:
256            return None
257        # Note: this only works with base_filename. If we every support custom names, we need to change this.
258        parent_path = (
259            self.path.parent.parent.parent
260            / self.__class__.parent_type().base_filename()
261        )
262        if parent_path is None:
263            return None
264        loaded_parent = self.__class__.parent_type().load_from_file(parent_path)
265        self.parent = loaded_parent
266        return loaded_parent
268    # Dynamically implemented by KilnParentModel method injection
269    @classmethod
270    def relationship_name(cls) -> str:
271        raise NotImplementedError("Relationship name must be implemented")
273    # Dynamically implemented by KilnParentModel method injection
274    @classmethod
275    def parent_type(cls) -> Type[KilnBaseModel]:
276        raise NotImplementedError("Parent type must be implemented")
278    @model_validator(mode="after")
279    def check_parent_type(self) -> Self:
280        cached_parent = self.cached_parent()
281        if cached_parent is not None:
282            expected_parent_type = self.__class__.parent_type()
283            if not isinstance(cached_parent, expected_parent_type):
284                raise ValueError(
285                    f"Parent must be of type {expected_parent_type}, but was {type(cached_parent)}"
286                )
287        return self
289    def build_child_dirname(self) -> Path:
290        # Default implementation for readable folder names.
291        # {id} - {name}/{type}.kiln
292        if is None:
293            # consider generating an ID here. But if it's been cleared, we've already used this without one so raise for now.
294            raise ValueError("ID is not set - can not save or build path")
295        path =
296        name = getattr(self, "name", None)
297        if name is not None:
298            path = f"{path} - {name[:32]}"
299        return Path(path)
301    def build_path(self) -> Path | None:
302        # if specifically loaded from an existing path, keep that no matter what
303        # this ensures the file structure is easy to use with git/version control
304        # and that changes to things like name (which impacts default path) don't leave dangling files
305        if self.path is not None:
306            return self.path
307        # Build a path under parent_folder/relationship/file.kiln
308        if self.parent is None:
309            return None
310        parent_path = self.parent.build_path()
311        if parent_path is None:
312            return None
313        parent_folder = parent_path.parent
314        if parent_folder is None:
315            return None
316        return (
317            parent_folder
318            / self.__class__.relationship_name()
319            / self.build_child_dirname()
320            / self.__class__.base_filename()
321        )
323    @classmethod
324    def iterate_children_paths_of_parent_path(cls: Type[PT], parent_path: Path | None):
325        if parent_path is None:
326            # children are disk based. If not saved, they don't exist
327            return []
329        # Determine the parent folder
330        if parent_path.is_file():
331            parent_folder = parent_path.parent
332        else:
333            parent_folder = parent_path
335        parent = cls.parent_type().load_from_file(parent_path)
336        if parent is None:
337            raise ValueError("Parent must be set to load children")
339        # Ignore type error: this is abstract base class, but children must implement relationship_name
340        relationship_folder = parent_folder / Path(cls.relationship_name())  # type: ignore
342        if not relationship_folder.exists() or not relationship_folder.is_dir():
343            return []
345        # Collect all /relationship/{id}/{base_filename.kiln} files in the relationship folder
346        for child_file in relationship_folder.glob(f"**/{cls.base_filename()}"):
347            yield child_file
349    @classmethod
350    def all_children_of_parent_path(
351        cls: Type[PT], parent_path: Path | None
352    ) -> list[PT]:
353        children = []
354        for child_path in cls.iterate_children_paths_of_parent_path(parent_path):
355            children.append(cls.load_from_file(child_path))
356        return children
358    @classmethod
359    def from_id_and_parent_path(
360        cls: Type[PT], id: str, parent_path: Path | None
361    ) -> PT | None:
362        """
363        Fast search by ID using the cache. Avoids the model_copy overhead on all but the exact match.
365        Uses cache so still slow on first load.
366        """
367        if parent_path is None:
368            return None
370        # Note: we're using the in-file ID. We could make this faster using the path-ID if this becomes perf bottleneck, but it's better to have 1 source of truth.
371        for child_path in cls.iterate_children_paths_of_parent_path(parent_path):
372            child_id = ModelCache.shared().get_model_id(child_path, cls)
373            if child_id == id:
374                return cls.load_from_file(child_path)
375            if child_id is None:
376                child = cls.load_from_file(child_path)
377                if == id:
378                    return child
379        return None

Base model for Kiln models that have a parent-child relationship. This base class is for child models.

This class provides functionality for managing hierarchical relationships between models, including parent reference handling and file system organization.

Attributes: parent (KilnBaseModel): Reference to the parent model instance. Not persisted, just in memory.

parent: Optional[KilnBaseModel]
def cached_parent(self) -> Optional[KilnBaseModel]:
241    def cached_parent(self) -> Optional[KilnBaseModel]:
242        return object.__getattribute__(self, "parent")
def load_parent(self) -> Optional[KilnBaseModel]:
244    def load_parent(self) -> Optional[KilnBaseModel]:
245        """Get the parent model instance, loading it from disk if necessary.
247        Returns:
248            Optional[KilnBaseModel]: The parent model instance or None if not set
249        """
250        cached_parent = self.cached_parent()
251        if cached_parent is not None:
252            return cached_parent
254        # lazy load parent from path
255        if self.path is None:
256            return None
257        # Note: this only works with base_filename. If we every support custom names, we need to change this.
258        parent_path = (
259            self.path.parent.parent.parent
260            / self.__class__.parent_type().base_filename()
261        )
262        if parent_path is None:
263            return None
264        loaded_parent = self.__class__.parent_type().load_from_file(parent_path)
265        self.parent = loaded_parent
266        return loaded_parent

Get the parent model instance, loading it from disk if necessary.

Returns: Optional[KilnBaseModel]: The parent model instance or None if not set

def relationship_name(cls) -> str:
269    @classmethod
270    def relationship_name(cls) -> str:
271        raise NotImplementedError("Relationship name must be implemented")
def parent_type(cls) -> Type[KilnBaseModel]:
274    @classmethod
275    def parent_type(cls) -> Type[KilnBaseModel]:
276        raise NotImplementedError("Parent type must be implemented")
def check_parent_type(self) -> Self:
278    @model_validator(mode="after")
279    def check_parent_type(self) -> Self:
280        cached_parent = self.cached_parent()
281        if cached_parent is not None:
282            expected_parent_type = self.__class__.parent_type()
283            if not isinstance(cached_parent, expected_parent_type):
284                raise ValueError(
285                    f"Parent must be of type {expected_parent_type}, but was {type(cached_parent)}"
286                )
287        return self
def build_child_dirname(self) -> pathlib.Path:
289    def build_child_dirname(self) -> Path:
290        # Default implementation for readable folder names.
291        # {id} - {name}/{type}.kiln
292        if is None:
293            # consider generating an ID here. But if it's been cleared, we've already used this without one so raise for now.
294            raise ValueError("ID is not set - can not save or build path")
295        path =
296        name = getattr(self, "name", None)
297        if name is not None:
298            path = f"{path} - {name[:32]}"
299        return Path(path)
def build_path(self) -> pathlib.Path | None:
301    def build_path(self) -> Path | None:
302        # if specifically loaded from an existing path, keep that no matter what
303        # this ensures the file structure is easy to use with git/version control
304        # and that changes to things like name (which impacts default path) don't leave dangling files
305        if self.path is not None:
306            return self.path
307        # Build a path under parent_folder/relationship/file.kiln
308        if self.parent is None:
309            return None
310        parent_path = self.parent.build_path()
311        if parent_path is None:
312            return None
313        parent_folder = parent_path.parent
314        if parent_folder is None:
315            return None
316        return (
317            parent_folder
318            / self.__class__.relationship_name()
319            / self.build_child_dirname()
320            / self.__class__.base_filename()
321        )
def iterate_children_paths_of_parent_path(cls: Type[~PT], parent_path: pathlib.Path | None):
323    @classmethod
324    def iterate_children_paths_of_parent_path(cls: Type[PT], parent_path: Path | None):
325        if parent_path is None:
326            # children are disk based. If not saved, they don't exist
327            return []
329        # Determine the parent folder
330        if parent_path.is_file():
331            parent_folder = parent_path.parent
332        else:
333            parent_folder = parent_path
335        parent = cls.parent_type().load_from_file(parent_path)
336        if parent is None:
337            raise ValueError("Parent must be set to load children")
339        # Ignore type error: this is abstract base class, but children must implement relationship_name
340        relationship_folder = parent_folder / Path(cls.relationship_name())  # type: ignore
342        if not relationship_folder.exists() or not relationship_folder.is_dir():
343            return []
345        # Collect all /relationship/{id}/{base_filename.kiln} files in the relationship folder
346        for child_file in relationship_folder.glob(f"**/{cls.base_filename()}"):
347            yield child_file
def all_children_of_parent_path(cls: Type[~PT], parent_path: pathlib.Path | None) -> list[~PT]:
349    @classmethod
350    def all_children_of_parent_path(
351        cls: Type[PT], parent_path: Path | None
352    ) -> list[PT]:
353        children = []
354        for child_path in cls.iterate_children_paths_of_parent_path(parent_path):
355            children.append(cls.load_from_file(child_path))
356        return children
def from_id_and_parent_path( cls: Type[~PT], id: str, parent_path: pathlib.Path | None) -> Optional[~PT]:
358    @classmethod
359    def from_id_and_parent_path(
360        cls: Type[PT], id: str, parent_path: Path | None
361    ) -> PT | None:
362        """
363        Fast search by ID using the cache. Avoids the model_copy overhead on all but the exact match.
365        Uses cache so still slow on first load.
366        """
367        if parent_path is None:
368            return None
370        # Note: we're using the in-file ID. We could make this faster using the path-ID if this becomes perf bottleneck, but it's better to have 1 source of truth.
371        for child_path in cls.iterate_children_paths_of_parent_path(parent_path):
372            child_id = ModelCache.shared().get_model_id(child_path, cls)
373            if child_id == id:
374                return cls.load_from_file(child_path)
375            if child_id is None:
376                child = cls.load_from_file(child_path)
377                if == id:
378                    return child
379        return None

Fast search by ID using the cache. Avoids the model_copy overhead on all but the exact match.

Uses cache so still slow on first load.

model_config = {'validate_assignment': True}

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

def model_post_init(self: pydantic.main.BaseModel, context: Any, /) -> None:
122                    def wrapped_model_post_init(self: BaseModel, context: Any, /) -> None:
123                        """We need to both initialize private attributes and call the user-defined model_post_init
124                        method.
125                        """
126                        init_private_attributes(self, context)
127                        original_model_post_init(self, context)

We need to both initialize private attributes and call the user-defined model_post_init method.

class KilnParentModel(KilnBaseModel):
384class KilnParentModel(KilnBaseModel, metaclass=ABCMeta):
385    """Base model for Kiln models that can have child models.
387    This class provides functionality for managing collections of child models and their persistence.
388    Child relationships must be defined using the parent_of parameter in the class definition.
390    Args:
391        parent_of (Dict[str, Type[KilnParentedModel]]): Mapping of relationship names to child model types
392    """
394    @classmethod
395    def _create_child_method(
396        cls, relationship_name: str, child_class: Type[KilnParentedModel]
397    ):
398        def child_method(self) -> list[child_class]:
399            return child_class.all_children_of_parent_path(self.path)
401        child_method.__name__ = relationship_name
402        child_method.__annotations__ = {"return": List[child_class]}
403        setattr(cls, relationship_name, child_method)
405    @classmethod
406    def _create_parent_methods(
407        cls, targetCls: Type[KilnParentedModel], relationship_name: str
408    ):
409        def parent_class_method() -> Type[KilnParentModel]:
410            return cls
412        parent_class_method.__name__ = "parent_type"
413        parent_class_method.__annotations__ = {"return": Type[KilnParentModel]}
414        setattr(targetCls, "parent_type", parent_class_method)
416        def relationship_name_method() -> str:
417            return relationship_name
419        relationship_name_method.__name__ = "relationship_name"
420        relationship_name_method.__annotations__ = {"return": str}
421        setattr(targetCls, "relationship_name", relationship_name_method)
423    @classmethod
424    def __init_subclass__(cls, parent_of: Dict[str, Type[KilnParentedModel]], **kwargs):
425        super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs)
426        cls._parent_of = parent_of
427        for relationship_name, child_class in parent_of.items():
428            cls._create_child_method(relationship_name, child_class)
429            cls._create_parent_methods(child_class, relationship_name)
431    @classmethod
432    def validate_and_save_with_subrelations(
433        cls,
434        data: Dict[str, Any],
435        path: Path | None = None,
436        parent: KilnBaseModel | None = None,
437    ):
438        """Validate and save a model instance along with all its nested child relationships.
440        Args:
441            data (Dict[str, Any]): Model data including child relationships
442            path (Path, optional): Path where the model should be saved
443            parent (KilnBaseModel, optional): Parent model instance for parented models
445        Returns:
446            KilnParentModel: The validated and saved model instance
448        Raises:
449            ValidationError: If validation fails for the model or any of its children
450        """
451        # Validate first, then save. Don't want error half way through, and partly persisted
452        # TODO P2: save to tmp dir, then move atomically. But need to merge directories so later.
453        cls._validate_nested(data, save=False, path=path, parent=parent)
454        instance = cls._validate_nested(data, save=True, path=path, parent=parent)
455        return instance
457    @classmethod
458    def _validate_nested(
459        cls,
460        data: Dict[str, Any],
461        save: bool = False,
462        parent: KilnBaseModel | None = None,
463        path: Path | None = None,
464    ):
465        # Collect all validation errors so we can report them all at once
466        validation_errors = []
468        try:
469            instance = cls.model_validate(data)
470            if path is not None:
471                instance.path = path
472            if parent is not None and isinstance(instance, KilnParentedModel):
473                instance.parent = parent
474            if save:
475                instance.save_to_file()
476        except ValidationError as e:
477            instance = None
478            for suberror in e.errors():
479                validation_errors.append(suberror)
481        for key, value_list in data.items():
482            if key in cls._parent_of:
483                parent_type = cls._parent_of[key]
484                if not isinstance(value_list, list):
485                    raise ValueError(
486                        f"Expected a list for {key}, but got {type(value_list)}"
487                    )
488                for value_index, value in enumerate(value_list):
489                    try:
490                        if issubclass(parent_type, KilnParentModel):
491                            kwargs = {"data": value, "save": save}
492                            if instance is not None:
493                                kwargs["parent"] = instance
494                            parent_type._validate_nested(**kwargs)
495                        elif issubclass(parent_type, KilnParentedModel):
496                            # Root node
497                            subinstance = parent_type.model_validate(value)
498                            if instance is not None:
499                                subinstance.parent = instance
500                            if save:
501                                subinstance.save_to_file()
502                        else:
503                            raise ValueError(
504                                f"Invalid type {parent_type}. Should be KilnBaseModel based."
505                            )
506                    except ValidationError as e:
507                        for suberror in e.errors():
508                            cls._append_loc(suberror, key, value_index)
509                            validation_errors.append(suberror)
511        if len(validation_errors) > 0:
512            raise ValidationError.from_exception_data(
513                title=f"Validation failed for {cls.__name__}",
514                line_errors=validation_errors,
515                input_type="json",
516            )
518        return instance
520    @classmethod
521    def _append_loc(
522        cls, error: ErrorDetails, current_loc: str, value_index: int | None = None
523    ):
524        orig_loc = error["loc"] if "loc" in error else None
525        new_loc: list[str | int] = [current_loc]
526        if value_index is not None:
527            new_loc.append(value_index)
528        if isinstance(orig_loc, tuple):
529            new_loc.extend(list(orig_loc))
530        elif isinstance(orig_loc, list):
531            new_loc.extend(orig_loc)
532        error["loc"] = tuple(new_loc)

Base model for Kiln models that can have child models.

This class provides functionality for managing collections of child models and their persistence. Child relationships must be defined using the parent_of parameter in the class definition.

Args: parent_of (Dict[str, Type[KilnParentedModel]]): Mapping of relationship names to child model types

def validate_and_save_with_subrelations( cls, data: Dict[str, Any], path: pathlib.Path | None = None, parent: KilnBaseModel | None = None):
431    @classmethod
432    def validate_and_save_with_subrelations(
433        cls,
434        data: Dict[str, Any],
435        path: Path | None = None,
436        parent: KilnBaseModel | None = None,
437    ):
438        """Validate and save a model instance along with all its nested child relationships.
440        Args:
441            data (Dict[str, Any]): Model data including child relationships
442            path (Path, optional): Path where the model should be saved
443            parent (KilnBaseModel, optional): Parent model instance for parented models
445        Returns:
446            KilnParentModel: The validated and saved model instance
448        Raises:
449            ValidationError: If validation fails for the model or any of its children
450        """
451        # Validate first, then save. Don't want error half way through, and partly persisted
452        # TODO P2: save to tmp dir, then move atomically. But need to merge directories so later.
453        cls._validate_nested(data, save=False, path=path, parent=parent)
454        instance = cls._validate_nested(data, save=True, path=path, parent=parent)
455        return instance

Validate and save a model instance along with all its nested child relationships.

Args: data (Dict[str, Any]): Model data including child relationships path (Path, optional): Path where the model should be saved parent (KilnBaseModel, optional): Parent model instance for parented models

Returns: KilnParentModel: The validated and saved model instance

Raises: ValidationError: If validation fails for the model or any of its children

model_config = {'validate_assignment': True}

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

def model_post_init(self: pydantic.main.BaseModel, context: Any, /) -> None:
122                    def wrapped_model_post_init(self: BaseModel, context: Any, /) -> None:
123                        """We need to both initialize private attributes and call the user-defined model_post_init
124                        method.
125                        """
126                        init_private_attributes(self, context)
127                        original_model_post_init(self, context)

We need to both initialize private attributes and call the user-defined model_post_init method.